About Your Website
This website is a tribute to all the aquarium hobbyists in India and across the world.
The website you are seeing now is just the landing page which will be collecting suggestions and feedback on the features that this website should consist of to better support you and the fellow hobbyists.
We would like your suggestions to improve your website. Your suggestions will be added as services and features on this website.
Take a moment to fill out the form below to give us your suggestions.
New to the Hobby?
New to the hobby and want to start from zero, watch Mayur Dev Aquascapers videos on YouTube.
All the videos on the YouTube channel were created on Aquascapers request like you.
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#70B Kamgar Nagar road, Kamgar, Kurla East, Mumbai 40024
Open Hours
Mon - Sat 11:00 - 7:00 Sun - Closed